2012 Google Europe Scholarship for Students with Disabilities
We are pleased to announce the Google Europe Scholarship for Students with disabilities. Google is committed to helping the innovators of the future make the most of their talents by providing scholarships and networking retreats for computer science students with disabilities. This scholarship aims to help dismantle barriers that keep students with disabilities from entering computing, encourage them to excel in their studies and become active role models and leaders in creating technology.
Multiple scholarships will be awarded based on the strength of candidates' academic performance and demonstrated passion for computer science. A group of Bachelors, Masters, and PhD students will be selected from the applicant pool. Each scholar selected will receive a EUR 7,000 scholarship. All scholarship recipients will be invited to visit a Google office in Europe for an all-expenses-paid networking retreat.
Who should apply? | Deadline to apply |
applicants must satisfy the following eligibility criteria:
1st February 2012 |
Complete details at: